The National Landscape Partnership engages in policy development in a number of ways. For example, we have submitted joint reports and policy recommendations, together with the Blackdown Hills National Landscape Partnership, as part of the development of the new East Devon District Local Plan, which was adopted on 28 January 2016. We will, where appropriate, develop local policy either for the National Landscape specifically or jointly with other parties.

Equestrian Development
Horse ownership is high in East Devon and as a result, following earlier work with regional partners, we have developed guidelines for equestrian development in the National Landscape. A supporting document with background evidence can be viewed here.

Bats & Development
The Beer Quarry & Caves Special Area of Conservation (BQ&C SAC) was designatedin 2005 for its important population of hibernating greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum), lesser horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus hipposideros) and Bechstein’s bats (Myotis bechsteinii).
This document is aimed at those preparing and validating planning applications which may impact on the BQ&C SAC population of bats. It provides advice on which applications may have a likely significant effect on the SAC bat population.
Regionally and nationally we work through the National Association for National Landscapes. We find that a nationally recognised body, speaking with a united voice, carries significance, weight and influence in a way that small National Landscape units are simply not able to.
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Our National Landscape Projects
We lead, partner and support projects that focus on a wide range of themes, including landscape and heritage, environmental quality and climate, biodiversity, recreation and tourism.
Outdoors & Active
Whether you prefer walking, cycling, running or playing, everyone feels happier and healthier when they spend time in nature being more active.

East Devon Way
Discover the hidden gems of East Devon and explore this much loved walking route that links 40 miles of public footpaths, trails and bridleways.